Let SCS restore your house or rental the way you want. We understand that tenants can cause problems to your beloved property and it is important that this is dealt with correctly and by following the right protocols. We specialise in Meth House Cleanups and Meth Decontamination.

SCS will document the entire process as we understand that it is sometimes required for tenancy tribunal hearings.

Once your property is ready to be advertised and re-let, SCS will communicate that with the client as soon as possible.

Hotel and Motel Cleanup

A large percentage of trash and biohazard cleanup activities in the hospitality industry are related to behaviour that is sometimes out of your control. We strive to remediate these situations and return your property to its original condition as soon as possible so that the business can continue as usual.

To handle these types of jobs efficiently and successfully without causing undue stress to anyone involved, we employ forensic cleaning technicians with specialised training and equipment. We may also consult with trusted advisors like Building Surveying Services where required to ensure a safe environment.

Crime Scene Cleaning, Specialised Cleaning

Hoarding Cleanup

As a restoration company, our goal is to restore a client's environment to a safe and sanitary condition where they feel comfortable.

Clutter Remediation

We will work with you throughout the process. Our mission is to help you regain control of your life and ensure your environment is safe. Our professional cleaning services will sanitise and deodorise your home - so you can begin again.

Reach out to the specialised cleaning experts